Employee Training Software to Keep Employees Coming Back

Deliver a training experience that keeps employees sharp and motivated to learn. Better training means higher results and happier employees that stay with you for the long-term.

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Employee Training Software to Keep Employees Coming Back

Deliver a training experience that keeps employees sharp and motivated to learn. Better training means higher results and happier employees that stay with you for the long-term.

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"I was hoping to find something like this, but was only looking in a traditional LMS. The Awards Module has been a huge motivator for our team! We are having leaders request customized content now just so they can take on the leaderboards."

Frank Brennan - Director of Learning & Development

When employees need constant training

A Traditional LMS Can't Keep Up with the Demand for Learning

  • Your LMS is static collection of PowerPoints, courses, and exams gathering digital dust

  • Learners are required to go through training in a rigid, linear manner

  • You are limited to the resources created by administrators within your organization

  • New feature releases constantly make training obsolete

  • It’s hard to provide up-to-date information and bite-sized training in a fast-paced environment

  • You can’t tell who’s learning and who’s staying behind 


A traditional LMS fails at helping employees access knowledge and acquire new skills.

With Raven360's employee training software, your employees can search for the bite-sized information they need, at the exact moment they need it, throughout the workday.

Develop Top Performers With the Right Training and Onboarding


Onboard Faster

Motivate new hires to complete their onboarding and make an immediate contribution to your goals.


Scale Training

Reduce in-person, one-on-one training. Make training instantly accessible to all your staff.


Avoid Cookie Cutter Training

Train your staff on what matters to them personally, and helps them overcome their unique challenges.


Keep Your Content Always Up to Date

Create content once and then update it everywhere. No more fighting with revisions and duplicated assets.

Trusted by Organizations that Thrive on Employee Training

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Keep Employees Engaged With Training

Hands-On Labs

Set up a safe, virtual machine instance of your product for employees to explore, test and learn from.

Your Content on Any Format

PDF, video files, Google Docs, HTML packages, SCORM packages, and more. Upload 3rd party content or create your own.

Control and Automate Payments

Track every dollar spent in your training platform without having to chase down payments.

Lifelike Video Assessments

Any user can press a button, record a quick video using their webcam or smartphone, preview it, and share it with peers or managers.

Fully Mobile - Any Browser or Device

Raven360 works on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Flexible Training Methods

Raven360 supports Instructor-Led training, Virtual Instructor-led training, and On-demand learning.

Showcase Your Top Performers

Encourage continuous improvement through leaderboards and gamification. Get staff invested in developing new skills and meeting their goals.

Works With the Tools Your Staff Uses

Integrate with Dropbox, Drive, or Box to access everything you already have from one single dashboard, at the right time.

Security That Can't Be Bypassed

Prevent confidential information from leaving the platform with individual and group level permissions.


Increase Training Completion & Repeatability with Raven360's Employee Training Software

Train To Your Staff's Tune

Get the right training in front of the people that need it the most, and onboard them faster. Your staff can keep up with their training online, offline and on their mobile devices.

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Create Learning Paths for Smarter Training

Organize your content in easy-to-digest Learning Paths. Walk your staff through a controlled learning process and keep them focused on what’s most important.


Put Coaching at the Heart of Your Company

Let your leadership style shine through with video coaching and one-on-one peer reviews. Motivate your best employees to pass on their experience to newer generations.


Identify Performance Issues Before They Become a Long-Term Problem

See who’s learning and what content has the biggest impact on your goals. Measure the influence your training program has on your KPIs and what’s not working for your teams.

The #1 Reason Employees Stop Learning is Lack of Time

Raven360 Helps Employees Learn in the Flow of Work

Instead of having employees interrupt their day and block out time for learning, you hit them with the right content while they are on the go. Help them achieve their results with just-in-time, bite-sized lessons based on triggered events.

Here's how Flow of Work Training makes learning easier

  • Rep Creates New Deal Opportunity

    They get a short video from your sales leadership on how to follow up with prospects.

  • New Feature is Released

    Your Customer Success team gets technical documentation and chat prompts to engage active users.

  • Employee Relocates

    They receive daily tips and insights on their new location and how to manage local clients.


Raven360 works with the tools you

know and love*

You don't need to change your workflow or tool stack to start using Raven360 today.


* Contact us about custom integrations through our Rest API.

Why Customers Love Us

"I love being able to personalize content for specific roles within the company. The product is intuitive and very easy to use and cuts the time of onboarding dramatically. Our reps have become much more productive since using Raven360."
Jeffrey Fotta
President & CEO

Your Entire Employee Training Program - One Single Platform

Need more from your training program? Train customers, partners and sales reps in a single platform with multiple branded sites, for a truly personalized training experience.

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