Raven360 Team

5 min read

How to Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV, CLTV, or LTV) is a hugely important metric, and improving it is a primary objective for many businesses. Improving CLV will guarantee more significant revenue, open opportunities for new business, and – done correctly –...

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6 min read

How to Create a Customer Training Program

What is Customer Training? Customer training is onboarding and teaching customers to properly use a product or service. Quality customer education...

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Customer Loyalty and Retention

6 min read

Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention

Both customer loyalty and customer retention are vital parts of a business strategy. Understanding and measuring both is crucial to succeeding in any...

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8 min read

Proving The Value Of Customer Training: 5 Experts Share Their Tips

Customer training allows SaaS and technology businesses to educate their users on how to excel with their products. Capable of attracting new...

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10 min read

Customer Training Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Traditionally thought just for employees, customer training has proven to be a valuable tool to attract new customers and retain existing ones. More...

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